This is a story of resilience and renewal . In the Artist’s vision the street youth are portrayed standing in their courage and perseverance .
The artist asked each subject to choose one word to describe themselves . She then meditated on their choice combined with what she already knew of their joys and challenges . Each piece of work combines a photo of a youth’s torso with Acrylic paint on a wood panel measuring 18x 36″ . The artist to chose to leave out the faces of the youth for a couple of reasons . One , so that they will be seen for more than superficial impressions that might be gleaned from a face . They move through the days and nights largely unseen . Secondly , to protect their anonymity .
Barbara has felt driven to give honor to the brokenness and compassion to the rough edges that , after all , are in all of us .
This exhibit is on show at the University of Washington Tower Building in Seattle , WA from April 2017 through June 2017 .
This show has special meaning for Barbara due the fact that she volunteers with street youth at a drop in art center called the Sanctuary Art Center in Seattle , WA . Also because Barbara has some personal experience from her own childhood that affords her a special understanding with street youth .