Patiently I waited for others to be ready for their next step.Filled with the drive that hope and vision provide.Redirecting energy away from the notion of stillness,i plunged into new endeavors.Charging through new doors with the thrill of discovery leading the way.Halting at times so that I could find the quiet within myself.Releasing the old and relearning how to listen to my inner voice…my soul.That is the gift of gifts.Changes ignited passion on one day and on the next left me wondering.Had the tide gone out to sea with out me?I looked and listened for the thunder of the next wave.Inspiration flows in and all that is required is to receive it,nurture it and release it.
It’s a pleasure to find such raitlnaotiy in an answer. Welcome to the debate.
Many many quailty points there.
Thank you . I appreciate that .